
EURADAR February 2013

Students spended abou two weeks course at the University of Salford Manchester. Here is a summary of that journey and few pictures.

First I didn’t know what to expect from the course. I was a little nervous how the two weeks would go abroad with strangers and in a foreign language. But fortunately already after the first day I knew that this was going to be a great experience. Having the background as a paramedic it was exciting that we were going to talk about the subject I’m most interest in. It was nice to once again to dig into last year’s subjects such as ABCDE. Even though subjects were familiar to me it was well in place to do some repetition. In whole, I would recommend that the course would be directed to second year students, both emergency care and nursing.

The course was well structured and included very good lectures and lecturers. Inspirational speakers and other visitor lecturers gave the course extra content and were interesting. I would have hoped that we would have had a nurse from local acute ward to tell us about her work and biggest challenges and a paramedic talking about his training and work on the field. The member of the HART team was interesting, but I didn’t feel, it was as relevant as a normal paramedic would have been. I think the course was well put together and versatile. Personally I liked a lot of the simulation labs and there could have been even more of practical work done. The course stayed in its agenda and kept itself simple and effective. Nursing and treating an acutely deteriorating patient is not rocket science but needs a quick and appropriate response and attention to detail.

I learned a huge amount of new words, came once again more confident to use my language and got a good practice using my professional vocabulary. I feel more confident of my skills treating a deteriorating patient and learned few new tricks during the course. I feel that some professional growth has happened and I feel even more passionately about acute treatment being my area of interest. I am going to pursuit on my way to become a nurse on that field. EURADAR did give me good tools which I will carry with me throughout my studies and career as a nurse.

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